

It is always helpful if you are in touch with the latest trends, be it gambling or for that matter anything else, it all pays in the long run. And as far as gambling is concerned, the way games are played and the conventional wisdom, they all gradually change with time.

A brief history of the game

In the nineties when there was actually a sort of paradigm shift in the gambling world with the Texas Holdem marching towards an unparalleled supremacy over professional as well as amateur, a lot had been said about how it could affect the established editions like Omaha or Stud.

Currently, without a doubt, in the world of gambling Online Blackjack tournament is one of the most popular trends and it has turned into a full blown phenomenon over the time. More and more participants and followers of the game are joining this community in hordes. Every other casino out there offers the Blackjack game in a more popular format of Tournament.

A well-known aftermath of all this growth is, it has lead to a situation in which the experience players are quite critical of the overall strategies of the game and they are always on the lookout for ways that would be helpful for them in the elimination round. It is not a secret anymore that the elimination format has some characteristics that are quite distinct in nature but essentially it's the same basic strategy that decides the course of your game. We will be discussing here a few of those fundamental tenets that you must follow.


While you are pitted against your opponent in an elimination tourney of Blackjack, the first and foremost thing for you to do is to get an eight or a less. There's no two ways about it. But the downside to this thumb rule is that you must stand with a 17 or more with great consistency. One should follow these strategies religiously; it wouldn't be a problem as such as they are quite easy to follow and remember. There is no respite if you miss these basic strategies and you will have to put a lot more efforts than you expected.

For hard hands it is the same kind of pain ahead, which you will get used to by frequently participating in an elimination Blackjack. However, it's not easy as it may seem as the dealer has got quite strong hands in it which is quite tough to beat. But that's not the end of the game as they are equally good at busting.

On a positive side you will get to have double down hands occasionally. To double down a 9 through an eleven is quite a decent hand to double down and as far as splitting is concerned, you just need to use your grey matter and your own experience. It is however not recommended to split your fives or tens.

Ultimately what matters is your final strategy is put into place and you need to ensure it by adjusting your game accordingly. The charts are always there to help you and you can be sure you will never have to face elimination.